
Monday, November 17, 2014

Kim Kardashian West's photos 'were tampered with'

One image from Kim Kardashian West's shoot with Paper magazine was Photoshopped.
Kim Hastreiter, the co-founder and editor of Paper, has acknowledged that the image which shows Kim, 34, resting a Champagne glass on her butt has been tampered with.
She said: "Of course it was Photoshopped. Do you really think that you can open a bottle of champagne and get it to spray in a thin line over someone's head and land perfectly in a glass sitting on that same person's bottom?"
Speaking more broadly about the controversial shoot - which saw Kim expose her famous rear to the camera - she told DigiDay: "Kim really adored the work of (photographer) Jean-Paul Goude and was dying to work with him.
"We made the match and once we did, Kim needed no cajoling. It was like a dream shoot.
"In fact she arrived at the shoot totally excited and game to collaborate and do whatever it took to make the most amazing Break the Internet images possible. And they went there!"
And reflecting on the intense response to the images, the magazine editor said: "I have not laughed so hard in so long. This is so much fun. Andy Warhol would have loved this."

Source: BANG Showbiz

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